hoi polloi / ˈhɔɪ pəˈlɔɪ /


hoi polloi 的定义

n. 名词(复数) plural noun
  1. Often the hoi polloi . the common people; the masses.

hoi polloi 近义词

n. 名词 noun

common people

更多hoi polloi例句

  1. This piques romantic curiosity in a fellow refugee of the hoi polloi.
  2. Beyond the property lines, too, Chilmark is well tailored to the hoi polloi avoider.
  3. Most are delighted to reside in ivory butter-cream towers far from the roiling, boiling, chaotic hoi polloi below.
  4. You surely don't imagine that I would get out on the floor with all this hoi-poloi?
  5. The white owl was out, with its peculiar grating cry; so was the tawny owl, breaking forth into its loud hail—hoi-hoi-hoi!
  6. As they rode on deep down in a hollow between mighty hedges, a loud hail seemed to come from the road on the hillside, “Hoi, hoi!”
  7. No use letting the "hoi-polloi" get on to it that I was a greenhorn.
  8. And what a Vandervent eats for breakfast makes snappy reading, I think you'd call it, for hoi polloi, eh?